about us

Dr.Ananda Stira

The Founder

The Lord has chosen Dr. Ananda Stira as a gems amidst tribulations and turmoil. Though his parents forsook him, our Eternal lover Jesus embraced him and accepted him. He revealed His incomparable to this forsaken child who ached for true love, care and protection. When Dr. Ananda Stira frustrated thinking that he has nobody in the world to love him, to give him education, Jesus appeared him, changed his life, showered him with His goodness, and filled him with abundant grace. As the Bible says in Luke 18:14 and Mathew 5:3, 4 the Lord Almighty exalted him in a great way. Even Dr. Ananda Stira did not dream about such a life. The Lord is still working through him and lifts him up. The verse written in I Samuel 2:8 was fulfilled clearly in his life. Though he had wisdom and scored high marks in his school education, there was nobody to help him to study further. But the Lord has now enabled him to finish his Post graduation and many doctorates.