Our Vision & Mission

Our vision is to proclaim the Gospel to all the needy souls in this world . That is why we are going from place to place every single week proclaiming His love and deliverance. How wonderful it would be if all villages in India would hear about the Gospel.We wish to be the Apostles of His Era who will take the love of Jesus to the millions of lost souls in India and all over the world.

Goal of the ministry

The goal of the ministry is winning souls we do the ministry unceasingly without any rest because we know that doing God’s will is our blessing. And God’s will is that no one should perish, but have eternal life. The Lord glorifies his name working many miracles through the ministry of Jesus. Last year in 2010 God worked mighty miracles through 16 kinds of ministries of the Ministry of Jesus. We thank the Lord and praise him for all his blessings; you too can join with us and praise the Lord. So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, we are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. Luke 17:10.

The Ministry of Jesus is an ecumenical Christian Charitable trust. Our vision is to lighten up this darkened world through the love of Jesus. Started as a small Christian Organization in 1987, we have now grown in His grace, reaching approximately three Crores of people every year. Obeying the unique call given to Dr.Ananda Stira, our founder, we conduct ourselves with the sole aim of reaching the farthest corners of the globe with the love of cross.

We take the pure, undiluted Gospel of Christ to the millions through different facets varying from individual prayer and counseling to good news public crusades, from letter ministry to television ministry. The goal is to touch lives, and bring hope, joy and peace.

Thus far, the Lord has enabled us to transform millions of lives through His magnificent power. You can also join hands and take one soul at a time to the Kingdom of God.

The Ministry of Jesus spreads the Gospel through various facets such as

1. Letter ministry
2. Phone ministry
3. Photo File
4. Magazine Ministry
5. Books
6. Audio and Video ministry
7. TV ministry
8. Family Blessing meetings
9. Personal prayer and counselling
10. Good news Crusades
11. Jemima Women’s Meet
12. Church building
13. Missionaries
14. Website & Social Media ministry
15. Kingdom Partners Scheme
16.SJ Saves Trust